How to use Micro-Learning for Leadership Development Programs

Today, most organizations’ training professionals are stretched thin and don’t have adequate internal resources or time to design and implement best-in-class leadership development programs. In addition, modern learners are demanding shorter and more flexible training delivery options. The solution: Incorporate micro-learning as part of your development programs. Learn more in this recorded webinar.

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Download the Whitepaper

A practical guide to building lasting behavior change is presented in this whitepaper along with 3 case studies.

Free 7-Day Preview of LEAD NOW

Enjoy 7 days of access to the 22 LEAD NOW micro-videos, as well as the new training program, The Art of Authenticity, on the micro-learning platform DashTrain.

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LEAD NOW Classroom Material Samples

Take a look at the classroom and self-paced eLearning course program samples. This will help instruct the administrator or facilitator on how to incorporate LEAD NOW! into their training.

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