Q & A with Craig Robbins: Mentoring – August 11, 2016

Mentoring Expert, Craig Robbins

Craig Robbins
Mentoring Expert

A few months ago I was asked the question, “How do I start a mentoring program?” It was certainly not the first time someone had asked me this same question, and likely it won’t be the last. Everyone seems to understand the importance of mentoring – even the personal and organizational benefits of mentoring – but very few thought leaders are providing the tangible action steps and guidance we seek when starting a mentoring program.

So I’m not here to claim my title as a thought leader, but I am here as one of your colleagues who works with organizations big and small to build, grow, and improve organizational mentoring programs. I’d love to share my experiences and help answer any questions you may have. So go ahead – Comment below with a question or reply to another post.